  • DATE:01/01/2023
  • Perpetrators:Jihadi Mubina Yusuf and her team
  • Sexual crimes against women? (Add count):1
  • Where did you come to know about this event from ? (Please provide source link):https://hindupost.in/crime/dehradun-uttarakhand-islamist-mubina-yusuf-befriended-and-blackmailed-hindu-girl-for-religious-conversion-an-incident-echoing-the-kerala-story/

(Reported as seen)

In Dehradun, Uttarakhand, an alarming case of religious coercion and blackmail has come to light at a local law college, drawing parallels with the plot of the movie “The Kerala Story.” According to reports from OpIndia, Mubina Yusuf, an Islamist woman, befriended a Hindu girl with the intent of pressuring her into converting to Islam. This coercion included persistent demands and assertions that Islam is the only true religion.

When the Hindu girl resisted conversion attempts, Mubina Yusuf promised her marriage to a wealthy Islamist man as an incentive. Despite this, the Hindu girl continued to refuse conversion. The situation escalated dramatically when Mubina began blackmailing the girl with obscene videos, using them to further press her conversion efforts and to criticize Hindu practices and beliefs.

According to the victim’s complaint, Mubina Yusuf’s tactics included threatening to leak private photos on social media and even threatening the victim’s life through a relative incarcerated in Gurugram, Haryana. The police have registered a case against Mubina Yusuf at the Rajpur police station and have initiated an investigation into these serious allegations.

The victim, who resides in the Rajpur Road area of Dehradun, detailed how Mubina gained her trust by visiting her home and interacting with her family. In January 2023, Mubina took the victim on a ten-day trip to Jammu and Kashmir, under the pretext of a short trip, where she introduced her to a Muslim friend and demanded money. During this time, Mubina allegedly took private photos of the victim to use as blackmail.

Mubina’s coercion involved extolling the virtues of Islam and insisting on the victim’s conversion and marriage to her Islamist friend to avoid future problems. Mubina promised to delete the private photos if the victim complied with her demands. Additionally, the victim received threatening phone calls from individuals in Gurugram jail, adding to her distress.

The relentless pressure and threats from Mubina led the victim to depression and isolation. Despite her attempts to avoid Mubina, the harassment continued at college. The victim’s mother, an advocate, eventually persuaded her to disclose the full extent of the harassment, leading her to file a police complaint.

The police are now investigating the case, focusing on the allegations of religious coercion, blackmail, and threats of violence. This incident highlights the concerning issue of forced religious conversions and manipulation, reminiscent of the themes explored in “The Kerala Story.” Similar incidents have been reported in other parts of India, such as Lucknow and Delhi, underscoring the need for vigilance and awareness within the Hindu community to combat such coercive tactics.

This case serves as a stark reminder of the importance of protecting individuals from religious coercion and ensuring that communities remain vigilant against such manipulative and threatening behaviors.