  • DATE:12/08/2021
  • Perpetrators:Christian missionaries
  • Where did you come to know about this event from ? (Please provide source link):https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2021/07/12/8-key-findings-about-christians-in-india/

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Christianity was brought to India by its colonizers, who remained very brutal in imposing the religion onto the Hindus, who were the native of the land. The Hindus at that time did what they could to save their life and maintain their dignity despite the barbarism that continued for more than a century.

The Pew research of the year 2021, describes key findings of the Christians in India.

Some believe in the traditional beliefs of the Bible. Though nearly all Indian Christians (98%) say they believe in God, and Christians in India are more likely than most other religious communities to say they pray daily (77%). Most Indian Christians also attend church weekly (55%), and an overwhelming share gives money to a church (89%).
78% of Indian Christians say they read or listen to the Bible at least weekly. But, few belief in the several traditional beliefs rooted in the Bible. 49% believe in Judgment Day, 48 % in miracles, 64% in Heaven, and 41% in Demon and evil spirits.

Many Christians are still fixed on Hindu beliefs. The ancient religion of the land that was once embraced and followed by the bloodline, did not give way. Today’s Christians of the country have their belief changed but yet they have a stronghold on the Hindu elements that the land had once learned before its colonizers. Substantial shares of Indian Christians follow religious practices and beliefs not traditionally associated with Christianity.

Most Indian Christians say they believe in karma (54%), which is not rooted in the Christian religion. And many Indian Christians also believe in reincarnation (29%) and that the Ganges River has the power to purify (32%), both of which are core teachings in Hinduism. It is also somewhat common for Indian Christians to observe customs tied to other religions, like celebrating Diwali (31%) or wearing a forehead marking called a bindi (22%), most often worn by Hindu women.

Indian Christians disproportionally identify with lower castes (74%), including 57% with Scheduled Castes (SC) or Scheduled Tribes (ST).

Many incidents of forcing and luring Hindus to follow Christianity have come up in India. Such vicious practices were the tool to impose the religion onto the Hindus. It is a common belief that the truth cannot be held back for long. So has it reflected on the land and its natives?