  • DATE:16/06/2024
  • Perpetrators:Islamist Mohd Samshad
  • Sexual crimes against women? (Add count):1
  • Where did you come to know about this event from ? (Please provide source link):https://x.com/TheTreeni/status/1802319187949326678

(Reported as seen)

In a disturbing case of deception and sexual exploitation, a Muslim youth named Mohd Samshad, posing as Tushar Verma, has been accused of sexually grooming and assaulting a Hindu girl in Dehradun, Uttarakhand. The incident, which unfolded over the past four years, has shocked the local community and raised concerns about safety and trust.

According to reports, Samshad befriended the victim by presenting himself as a Hindu and offering her a job in his office. Gaining her trust, he allegedly drugged her, captured obscene videos, and subsequently raped her. The victim, horrified to learn his true identity, was then subjected to blackmail and repeated sexual harassment.

Living in fear of societal backlash, the victim continued to stay with Samshad, who further exploited her by extracting money and subjecting her to ongoing abuse. In 2020, she managed to separate from him and return to her father. However, Samshad’s persistent coercion led her back into his control. The victim discovered a hidden camera in her room, revealing that she had been assaulted while in an intoxicated state.

The harrowing ordeal was brought to light when the victim shared her story with Parvat Jan TV, a local news outlet in Uttarakhand. She revealed that Samshad had deceived and exploited multiple girls using similar tactics. Seeking justice, the victim approached Bajrang Dal activists for assistance.

The police have since arrested Samshad and are conducting a thorough investigation. Initial reports indicate that Samshad, who previously sold vegetables, accumulated significant property through his deceptive and coercive actions.

This case underscores the urgent need for vigilance and protective measures to safeguard vulnerable individuals from such predatory behavior. It highlights the critical role of community support and law enforcement in addressing and preventing such heinous acts.