  • DATE:15/06/2024
  • Perpetrators:Christians Evangelists
  • General act of Hindumisia. (Add count ):Unaccounted
  • Where did you come to know about this event from ? (Please provide source link):https://hindupost.in/dharma-religion/locals-complaint-against-evangelists/

(Reported as seen)

In Pune’s Bidi Kamgar Colony, unrest broke out on Saturday, June 15, following allegations of forced religious conversion attempts by Christian evangelists. The incident, which occurred around 10:30 am, led to a formal complaint being lodged at the Chandan Nagar police station.


The complaint was filed by Prerna Dilip Bhandari, a 25-year-old resident of Shani Mandir in Bidi Kamgar Colony. According to Bhandari, two evangelists, Rina Ramdas Mansa (50) and Elisa Ramesh Alfred (70), approached her house under the pretext of discussing the negative impact of excessive mobile phone use on children. They introduced themselves and distributed pamphlets about Christianity, suggesting scanning a code for further information.


Bhandari, who was at home with her ailing mother, engaged in conversation with Rina and Elisa outside her house. Despite her request for them to wait outside, the women entered uninvited. Three other evangelists—Rebecca Anuraj Sigamani (48), Sharda Jagdish Sode, and Priya Raju Singamani (45)—waited outside. Once inside, Rina and Elisa began promoting Christianity, claiming conversion would improve their lives. They placed a Bible in Bhandari’s hands, urging her to read it instead of the Geeta and advising against ‘idol’ worship. They reportedly pressured Bhandari and her mother to convert.


The commotion attracted the attention of neighbors, who gathered and escorted the evangelists to the Chandan Nagar police station. A protest ensued outside the station, with residents demanding action against the accused. The complaint also mentions that the evangelists had visited other homes in the neighborhood, attempting to convert more residents.

Senior Inspector Sanjay Chavan confirmed that a case had been registered under several sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), including:

  • Section 141: Unlawful assembly
  • Section 143: Punishment for unlawful assembly
  • Section 452: House-trespass after preparation for hurt, assault, or wrongful restraint
  • Section 295-A: Deliberate and malicious acts intended to outrage religious feelings
  • Section 298: Uttering words with deliberate intent to wound religious feelings

Police Sub-Inspector Siddhanath Khandekar is leading the investigation into the matter, as the local community awaits further developments in this case.