  • DATE: 01/02/2023
  • Perpetrators:Saiful Khan
  • General act of Hindumisia. (Add count ):1
  • Sexual crimes against women? (Add count):1
  • Where did you come to know about this event from ? (Please provide source link):https://hinduvoice.in/2023/02/13/love-jihad-hindu-girl-went-to-bangladesh-over-facebook-love-returned-after-betrayal/

[ Reported as seen ]

Kavita Sarkar, a resident of Ranaghat of Nadia district of West Bengal was lured in the trap of Love Jihad by a Bangladeshi Muslim boy named Saiful Khan.

As per a media report, Saiful Khan groomed the girl through the social media platform, Facebook. They were in a romantic relationship for 4 years.

To meet her lover, Kavita decided to go to Bangladesh. On 3rd December of 2022, Kavita went to Bangladesh through Vomra border. From there, she went to Chattagram to meet Saiful Khan. There they lived together for two months in a rented house. However, later Kavita said that Saiful refused to marry her.

On 1st February, 2023, her Visa expired, and additional problems started to linger. She then travelled to the Khulna district with the aid of a Hindu woman from Bangladesh. Later, She received a visa extension. On February 13th, she left for India.

Kavita stated in a statement to the Bangladeshi media, “‘I saved money for years to come to Bangladesh to meet Saiful. But he betrayed me after living with me for two months. I never thought that he would cheat me.”