  • DATE:02/07/2024
  • Perpetrators:Jihadi Mohd Ajmal
  • General act of Hindumisia. (Add count ):Unaccounted
  • Sexual crimes against women? (Add count):Unaccounted
  • Where did you come to know about this event from ? (Please provide source link):https://hindi.opindia.com/national/kerala-police-arrest-muhammed-ajmal-for-swindling-gold-jewellery-from-teenage-girls-using-instagram/

(Reported as seen)

Kerala Police have apprehended Muhammad Amjad, a 20-year-old con artist from Chamravattam, who exploited Instagram to lure school girls and steal their jewelry. Amjad’s modus operandi involved befriending girls, mainly those in 10th grade, by gaining their trust and then inviting them to meet in person.

Amjad’s scheme involved convincing the girls to hand over their gold jewelry under the pretext of getting new ones made for them. Once he had the jewelry, he would sever ties and disappear. It is believed that Amjad deceived numerous girls using this tactic. One of the victims eventually confided in her parents, leading to a police complaint.

The investigation began when a relative of one of the victims reported the scam to the Kalpakanchery police. The police found that Amjad never shared his mobile number with his victims, making it initially difficult to trace him. Additionally, he was cautious in his use of social media to avoid detection.

To catch Amjad, the police created a fake Instagram profile posing as a girl and initiated contact with him. Over time, Amjad began conversing with the undercover officer and eventually arranged a meeting, as he had done with his previous victims. This time, however, the police were waiting and arrested him on the spot.

During interrogation, Amjad revealed that he handed over the stolen jewelry to his friend Nifik, whom he had also met on Instagram. Nifik, a resident of Naripparambil in Chamravattam, has since gone into hiding. The police are actively searching for him.

The arrest of Muhammad Amjad highlights the dangers of online interactions and the importance of vigilance in protecting young individuals from such fraudulent activities.