  • DATE:04/07/2024
  • Perpetrators:Islamist fruit vendor
  • How many were injured?:1
  • Where did you come to know about this event from ? (Please provide source link):https://x.com/TheTreeni/status/1808895923893731828

(Reported as seen)

In a shocking incident in Vikas Nagar, Dehradun, a Hindu man named Neetu Chauhan was brutally attacked by an Islamist fruit vendor on the evening of July 3, 2024. The assailant used a sharp object, reportedly a piece of stone or iron, to pierce Chauhan’s eye, causing severe injury and leading to immediate medical intervention.

Neetu Chauhan, a resident of Khatwa village in the Chakrata tehsil area, was purchasing fruits from a street vendor in the Vikasnagar market when an argument over pricing escalated. The vendor, along with another individual, Aman and Adil from Madina Basti, attacked Chauhan with a sharp object. The impact burst Neetu’s eye, necessitating urgent medical attention. He was rushed to the sub-district hospital and later referred to a medical facility in Dehradun due to the severity of his injuries. The assailants fled the scene immediately after the attack.


The brutal attack sparked outrage among the local Hindu community and led to significant unrest in the Vikasnagar market. Members of Hindu organizations such as Bajrang Dal and Vishwa Hindu Parishad, along with local leaders, gathered in protest. The angry crowd overturned the vendors’ cart and blocked the road, demanding immediate action against the perpetrators.

As news of the attack spread rapidly on social media, a large number of youths from the Jaunsar-Bawar region gathered in the market. The protestors, fearing further unrest, prompted local traders to close their shops.

Police from Dakpathar, Herbertpur Chowki, and Vikas Nagar, led by station in-charge Rajesh Shah, arrived at the scene to manage the situation. Despite attempts to calm the protestors, the crowd refused to disperse, leading to a police lathi charge to clear the blockage. The confrontation caused about an hour of commotion in the market.

Local Hindu leaders and organizations have demanded the removal of illegal street vendors, whom they accuse of being criminal elements from the Muslim community. They warned of escalating their protests if their demands were not met by Thursday morning.

Rajesh Shah, the station in-charge, stated that a complaint from the victim’s side is being recorded, and the police are actively pursuing the accused. He assured that those responsible for disturbing the peace would be dealt with strictly.

The incident has highlighted the tension between communities in Vikas Nagar and underscores the need for maintaining law and order while addressing the grievances of the affected parties.

This case serves as a stark reminder of the volatility that can arise from communal conflicts and the importance of swift, decisive action by authorities to ensure justice and prevent further violence.