(Reported as seen)
In Delhi, a man pretending to be Hindu named “Raju Kumar” fooled a young Hindu girl and ran away with her. But now, the girl’s family is in big trouble because the police from Delhi and Ghaziabad can’t decide who should help them. This is making the family very upset and scared for their daughter’s safety.
Even though the family begged the police to help, they can’t because of a fight over which area they’re responsible for. This has left the family feeling hopeless and desperate. They’re so worried about their daughter that they’ve even threatened to do something drastic if the police don’t help soon.
As the police fight over who should do what, the girl’s family is left feeling really scared and unsure about what to do. This situation shows how hard it can be for the police to help when they can’t agree on who should take charge. It’s a scary time for the girl’s family, and they just want their daughter to be safe.
This situation is a reminder that the police need to put aside their arguments and focus on helping people who are in trouble. The family’s scary experience shows how important it is for everyone to work together to keep people safe from people who lie and trick others.