  • DATE:18/06/2022
  • How many were Murdered?:1
  • Perpetrators:Mohammad Faizan alias Bhura, Mohammad Shohil and Mohammad Salman alias Munn
  • Where did you come to know about this event from ? (Please provide source link):https://www.opindia.com/2022/06/uttar-pradesh-police-arrest-faisal-shohil-salman-beating-dalit-man/

[ Reported as seen]

2 Muslim men, Mohammad Faizan alias Bhura, Mohammad Shohil and Mohammad Salman alias Munna, beat a middle-aged Dalit man, Raju to death, who opposed the molestation of a girl by them. The incident took place Pilibhit of Uttar Pradesh on June 16, 2022.

Reportedly, the molestors climbed on a terrace and molested a girl. Raju, who was a middle-aged Dalit man, tried to save the girl. Displeased by the intervention by Raju, the trio beat him up. Raju got eriously injured in the attack and was rushed to the hospital for treatment. He succumbed to the injuries on June 18.

Such incidents of Hindus being murdered for ‘displeasing’ the lethal community, who never fail to grab an opportunity to portray themselves as the victims of Hindus have been reported in abundance. The murder of the Hindu Dharma is ongoing and it accelerates with the ignorance of the Hindus themselves.