  • DATE:23/06/2024
  • Perpetrators:Jihadi Arshad
  • Sexual crimes against women? (Add count):1
  • Where did you come to know about this event from ? (Please provide source link):https://www.amarujala.com/madhya-pradesh/guna/love-jihad-arshad-befriended-the-girl-by-pretending-to-be-a-coward-raped-her-for-one-and-a-half-years-2024-06-23

(Reported as seen)

In a disturbing case from Guna district, Madhya Pradesh, a 20-year-old woman has accused a man named Arshad of sexual assault and pressuring her to convert to Islam under the guise of friendship. The man initially posed as Bhaiyyu on Instagram to befriend the woman, leading to a series of traumatic events over a span of one and a half years.


The woman, originally from Bamori, detailed her harrowing experience to the police. She described how her difficult family situation brought her to Guna two and a half years ago, where she started working for a private company to support her family. In 2022, she connected with a man who identified himself as Bhaiyyu on Instagram. Their friendship progressed to phone conversations and frequent meetings, during which they took photos together.


Eventually, Bhaiyyu discovered that the woman lived alone in a rented room and visited her there. He threatened to harm her family and forcibly established a physical relationship with her, recording explicit videos. Using these videos, he continued to blackmail and sexually assault her repeatedly.


The woman’s ordeal worsened when she discovered contacts of several Muslim men in Bhaiyyu’s phone and confronted him. He then revealed his real name, Arshad, and his true identity. This revelation intensified his abuse. Arshad began pressuring her to convert to Islam, forbidding her from wearing jeans and insisting on traditional Islamic attire like suits and burqas. He also demanded that she marry him.


Arshad’s abuse extended beyond physical and sexual violence to psychological torment. He would summon her at his will, even if she was at work, and his frequent visits forced her to move houses three times. His threats and violent behavior continued, including public assaults, which drew the attention of onlookers.


Enduring this trauma for over a year and a half, the woman finally sought help from the Hindu Jagran Manch, an organization that supports victims of religious coercion. With their encouragement and support, she filed a formal complaint with the police.


The police, led by Kotwali Police Station in-charge Anoop Bhargava, have registered an FIR against Arshad. The charges include rape, assault, and other relevant sections under the law.


This incident has sparked significant outrage and concern within the local community. Advocacy groups are demanding strict action against Arshad to prevent such cases in the future. The Hindu Jagran Manch’s involvement has also brought wider attention to the issue of religious coercion and abuse.

The case highlights the severe impact of deceit and coercion in personal relationships, underscoring the need for vigilant legal and community responses to protect vulnerable individuals from such exploitation.